- Mechanically raise exterior foundation of structure to as close as practical to original grade.
- Pour reinforced concrete piers, to stable soil or rock & belled to twenty-four inches if applicable.
- Mud-Jack cavities that occur when raising perimeter beam. Mud-Jack center beam or interior areas, only if specified in contract and for an additional charge. A cement-limestone grout is used in all mud-jack operations.
- Slope excess dirt to provide proper drainage at areas raised.
- Replace cracked mortar at areas raised.
- Clean up and remove any debris from job site.
- Public Liability Ins., and Bonding Capabilities if required
Responsibilities specifically not included are:
- Repairs to interior or exterior not mentioned above.
- Damage to rigid building material, such as concrete, brick, sheetrock or deteriorating plumbing.
- Plants, shrubs and trees
Owners Responsibility
- Maintain proper moisture at perimeter beam
- Maintain proper drainage
- To protect job site from children and other trespassers
Payment to be made upon completion, unless other agreement is made in writing. If ACCO retains an attorney to assist in collection, owner shall pay reasonable cost and attorney fees.